Fall Breezes

A fall breeze under the summer sun

was forecasted on the lazy afternoon

that I stumbled through the muck

of unclouding what was now clearing -

that I don’t love you anymore.

It took but one sunrise

and my heart welded to yours,

but it has taken thousands more,

to heat the stubborn bond,

soft enough to stretch as hearts have slumped.

Not the sort of slumping that

a tired back does on an old oak trunk,

but the variety where a last breathe departs

and a corpse comes into fruition.

Those curves, inoculations cannot straighten

and this blood heat cannot boil.

For although I leave the foundation untouched,

To begin anew, to rebuild in betterment.

Within, it is your residue that permeates.

Of me, there was nothing you did not touch.

I was a paltry window,

whose curtains were continually drawn

until in my totality nothing withheld.

Oh, how to alleviate such contradiction,

that the world’s mass turns with you,

but then why is the pain so sharp when I,

but just one,

turn away in unlike fashion?

Closing my eyes the Autumn colors fade

perhaps this moment of blindness sufficient,

because although I know complex love is loss

I do not know how to move forward.



